Monday, August 31, 2009

3 things

I've been gone a long time, but you know, I turned 30 this morning and I think it's time to get back to writing a bit. I've never been short on things to say, so here goes.

I was sure I was going to be one of those people whose 30th birthday was just another day. Another Monday, another week, another year... but I'm considering turning that proverbial leaf that supposedly comes with a milestone like this. I'm a list-maker, a schedule-keeper, an organizer and manager (like Nathan would say), but why are some pieces of the pie so out-of-sorts?

1. I don't know whether I want to move or not. Or when, I should say. I have the best job ever. And it will only ever be in Rochester, Minnesota. I know I don't want to be a floor nurse forever, but there is not a better place to work than Mayo, I'm convinced. Based on pay, tuition reimbursement, benefits, the opportunities to engage professionally with people of so many disciplines. It has really opened my eyes to a diverse world in a way that I've never had the means or reason to, and I'm not sure I'm ready to give it up.

2. What do I want to do in Grad school. I like the idea of being a CNS. A clinical nurse specialist, that is. A Masters-prepared nurse who specializes in the clinical aspects of care - taking care of patients, being an expert in practices on a unit and a go-to person for floor nurses who have questions about what to do for a patient, how to fix something, how to advocate for a patient. I had never heard of it before coming to Mayo, and such is the problem with becoming one. What if I can't find a job doing it anywhere else? Then I guess I'm stuck with a degree and certification I can't use anywhere but here and how valuable does that make me? I've thought for the past year that I'd like to do Administration, and probably will, but the business side of running a hospital unit interests me about as much as cleaning up the beds on people taking lactulose for the next 30 years. I do, however, like the idea of lobbying for my nurses and healthcare, making decisions that have a lot of impact on a unit, and getting to know influential people. That's fun.

3. What do I do with my money? I have a love-hate relationship with money. When my children turn 16 or start earning money, they will take some sort-of class about money management. I didn't have and still don't have much direction by way of financial planning, which is to my own detriment. I have all these ideas about house projects, trips, college funds, least of all savings, that never go anywhere because I'm not a good planner. How annoying.

This year and the next couple will be dedicated to getting these things figured out, whichever way they are supposed to be worked out. I'm looking forward to 35 to see what the hell I'm doing by then, and where I'm doing it.

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